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Malaysia travel guide 1, Turystyka zagranica, Malezja, Informatory przewodniki

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//-->.pos {position:absolute; z-index: 0; left: 0px; top: 0px;}1MyanmarPhilippinesLaosCombodiaVietnamThailandSouth China SeaSelamat Datang…Welcome to MalaysiaEndowed with a diversity of cultures, Malaysia o ers a ‘truly Asianexperience’. Discover a delightful fusion of three of Asia’s oldestcivilisations – Malay, Chinese and Indian. A potpourri enriched withthe indigenous traditions of the KadazanDusuns, Ibans and otherethnic communities of Sabah and Sarawak.Experience the country’s alluring wonders – colourful festivals,breathtaking skyscrapers, charming heritage buildings, enchantingislands and beaches as well as a million-year-old rainforest withfascinating ora and fauna.Meet the warm and friendly people and enjoy world-class facilities.Marvel at the bewildering range of shopping delights and tempt yourpalate with mouthwatering delicacies. Bursting with colour, pulsatingwith life, Malaysia awaits you.rSttsaiMofcacalaKualaLumpurMALAYSIABruneiDarussalamSingaporeIndonesia23Malaysia is a fascinating holiday destinationoffering something for everyone to enjoy. Thereare three distinct destinations in the country-Peninsular Malaysia and the states of Sabahand Sarawak in East Malaysia. Visitors are oftensurprised to discover how developed the countryis, yet rich and varied in cultural tradition.The country’s main gateway is the Kuala LumpurInternational Airport (KLIA). Other majorinternational airports are Langkawi, Penang, JohorBahru, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching.Kuala Lumpur or KL is a modern cosmopolitancity boasting the world’s tallest twin towerstowering at a height of 452m. Its architecture isrepresentative of the country’s dominant cultures-the Malay, Chinese and Indian. Combined withthe colonial legacy of the British and Moorishinfluences, KL has one of Asia’s most dynamiccityscapes.Malaysia’s long coastline and many coral-fringedislands, with the Straits of Malacca to the westand the South China Sea to the east, give riseto a large number of fabulous beaches. Islandslike Langkawi, Tioman and Pangkor are world-renowned resort destinations. Penang is anotherisland famous for its history, relaxing beachesand cultural mix. Further south, Melaka is knownfor its history, museums and the unique Baba-Nyonya community. The charming east coast ofthe peninsula with its laid back lifestyle, is thecountry’s cultural heartland.The states of Sabah and Sarawak await naturelovers and adventurers. Discover the prolificmarine life and dense rainforest while exploringthe underwater world and wilderness of Borneo.Malaysia has many exciting places of interest andduring a holiday of just two weeks, visitors will geta mere glimpse. One thing’s for certain; everyonewants to return to discover more of Malaysia.Visit Malaysia and:• experience Asia in a nutshell - Malay, Chinese,Indian and ethnic cultures• explore the world’s oldest rainforests• meet genuinely warm people of different races andreligions• shop for local handicraft or contemporary fashion• see the marine life at some of the world’s best dive sites• admire traditional and modern architectural marvels• dine on delicious food at affordable prices• relax on beaches where time appears to stand still• stay in international resort hotels or, ‘homestay’ with the locals45KUALA LUMPURRich Past, Visionary FutureEstablished in 1857 at the confluence of the Klangand Gombak Rivers, Kuala Lumpur (KL) is one ofAsia’s most dynamic cities. The city began asa mining settlement in the late 1800’s with thediscovery of tin. Its impressive skyline includes theworld’s tallest twin towers, the old Moorish styledrailway station and numerous mosques, templesand churches.Rapid infrastructural growth over time has notdiminished KL’s garden city image. Beautifullylandscaped parks and an abundance of greeneryhave been retained to provide the city’s greenlungs.The other essential component of KL is the soulof its people who give the city its distinctiveand truly Asian, character. English is widelyspoken and locals are typically obliging whenapproached by tourists looking for directions.Visitors will enjoy a wonderful time in KL andare advised to respect culturalnorms and sensitivities.Kuala Lumpur is a city ofcontrasts. While Malaysiansare justly proud of theirnew structures, olderbuildings also appeal.Its architectural heritageincludes Moorishstyled edifices, statelycolonial buildings and oldshophouses. Modern officesand condominiums toweroverhead.There are many places of interest inKL which can be accessed easily asdistances between them are near. It’spossible to discover the capital by foot,by organised tours or public transport.The theatre of the city unfolds on thestreets and is best experienced on foot.Alternatively, join a tour or negotiateKL’s museums, memorials andgalleries boast of unique andinteresting exhibits guaranteed todelight the visitor.Museums:• National Museum• Islamic Arts Museum• Bank Negara Money Museum,Maybank Numismatic Museum• Shipping Museum• Telecommunications Museum• Forest Research Institute ofMalaysia (FRIM) MuseumMemorials:• Tunku Abdul Rahman PutraMemorial• Tun Abdul Razak Memorial• Galeria Sri PerdanaGalleries:• National Science Centre• National Planetarium• National Art Gallerywith a taxi driver. A seriesof pamphlets on heritagewalking trails produced by theHeritage of Malaysia Trust (BadanWarisan Malaysia) is available fromtourist information centres aroundthe city.Merdeka (Independence) Squareis agood starting point to explore KL. Here thenational flag flies atop a 100m flagpole, thetallest in the world. Within the square isa field fronting theRoyal Selangor Clubwhere Malaysians converge every yearto celebrate independence. Formerly known asthe Selangor Club Padang (Selangor Club Field),it was extensively used for cricket, hockey, tennisand rugby matches.Opposite is the ornateSultan Abdul SamadBuilding,built in 1897 with Moorish features,clock tower and copper domes. Beautifullyilluminated at nights this well-known landmarkin KL was formerly the Secretariat for the Britishadministration. It is now the venue of the Supremeand High Courts.67A much photographed spot is the Moorish styledold railway station. TheNational Mosque, JamekMosqueandNational Monument,constructedto honour the country’s fallen heroes are otherattractions to discover in KL.The immaculately landscapedKL Lake Gardensnear the city centre is its premier green lung. Hereone can enjoy scenic views of Parliament Houseand the city’s landmark buildings.Visit theButterfly ParkandDeer Park,bothwithin the Lake Gardens. Not to be forgotten istheBird Parkwith over 2,500 birds from hundredsof species flying freely in a natural environment.The park also has a list of regular activities such asHornbill and Ostrich Feeding. Also in the vicinityis theOrchid Garden,with over 800 species ofexotic Malaysian orchids including some rare ones.Close by is theHibiscus Gardenwith more than500 varieties of colourful blooms.Within walking distance,Central Marketisan art deco building and former wet market.It is now a one-stop souvenir, handicraft andrestaurant centre. Nearby, alongPetaling StreetorChinatown,shops open all day and sell mostlyaccessories and clothes.In the city centre,Menara Kuala LumpurorKL Towerat 421m is the best location for a360° aerial view of the city. There is a revolvingrestaurant with a highly recommended eveningbuffet. Another panoramic view is possiblefrom the 41-storey high bridge connecting thePetronas Twin Towers.Visitors can opt to visitan interactive gallery known as Petrosains, whichfocuses on Malaysia’s oil and gas industry. It ishoused within theKuala Lumpur City Centre(KLCC)next to the towers.Beyond the CityThere are several major attractions in the vicinityof KL and many of these can be visited within aday on organised or self-drive tours.Putrajaya,25km to the south, is the nation’s newadministrative capital. Hailed as an intelligentgarden city, it is a model township constructedwith detailed planning, innovative urban designand preservation for the environment. Attractionshere include theBotanical Gardens, PutrajayaLakeandPutrajaya Wetlands.View thePrime Minister’s OfficeandResidence,the pink-domedPutra Mosqueand waterfrontpromenade. While taking a boat ride on oneof the many lakes here, admire the impressivearchitecture of the bridges around Putrajaya.Batu Cavesin the state of Selangor to the north,is a massive limestone outcrop with huge caves.This famous destination draws people from allover the world during the annual Hindu festivalof Thaipusam. Scaling the 272 steps up to themain temple cave is a highlight here.Selangoris bounded by the Federal Territories of KualaLumpur and Putrajaya which further enhances thetouristic appeal of the state. Selangor dazzles witha fascinating variety of attractions. Its flourishingcapital,Shah Alam,urban centres and the royaltown of Klang abound with modern facilities, fromexcellent healthcare institutions, internationalcolleges to huge shopping malls and recreationcentres.This exciting destination is also the venue ofworld-class sporting events such as the PetronasF1 Grand Prix.89[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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