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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Terms of Use - PersonalMandy King ©2012Thank you so much for purchasing one of my creations! If you are not happy with the quality of work enclosed or would like to suggest something else you'd like to see, please contact me!As a user of this product, you are free to use, modifyand publish images as you wish subject to certain restrictionsas listed:*You are free to incorporate these images into your ownoriginal art work and publish, display or distribute yourwork in any mediaprovided you include credit to the source of the elementsas "Mandy King, available at Scrappity-Doo-Dah".*You are free to incorporate these images into your ownpersonal designs, and even profit from those designs,but you are not allowed to resell, sublicense or otherwisemake available the image(s) for use or distributionseparately or in a format designed or intended for permanentstorage or re-use by others. In other words, commercialscrapping use is permitted - with final product being a flattened image -but do not resell these items as your own creation.*If you are wishing to use these graphics for a commercialuse OTHER than Scrapbooking for Hire,you will need to obtain permission. You can email me atmissusking@gmail.com*I have a separate TOU for my commercial-use products (excluding S4O/S4H). Please refer to that if you have questions regarding those items sold to be used for that purpose.Special thanks to Amanda at Amanda Fonts (http://www.kevinandamanda.com/fonts/)!I also use fonts from Sugar Frog Fonts...awesome site - THANKS!! (http://sugarfrogfonts.com)All images and content ©2012 Mandy KingAll rights reserved[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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Często usiłujemy ukryć nasze uczucia przed tymi, którzy powinni je poznać.