Mastering the Opening - Byron Jacobs, Chess, Chess M
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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] mastering t b o § co 9 p e n in g EVERYMAN CHESS Everyman Publishers pic ww.everyman.uk.com First published 2001 by Everyman Publishers plc, formerly Cadogan Books plc, Gloucester Mansions, 140A Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8HD Reprinted 2002 Copyright© 2001 Byron Jacobs The right of Byron Jacobs to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN 1 857 44 223 7 Distributed in North America by The Globe Pequot Press, P.O Box 480, 246 Goose Lane, Guilford, CT 06437-0480. ll other sales enquiries should be directed to Everyman Chess, Gloucester Mansions, 140A Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8HD tel: 020 7539 7600 fax: 020 7379 4060 email: chess@everymanbooks.com website: www.everymanbooks.com EVERMAN CHESS SERIES (formerly Cadogan Chess) Chief Advisor: Garry Kasparov Commissioning editor: Byron Jacobs Typeset and edited by First Rank Publishing, Brighton Production by Book Production Services Printed and bound in Great Britain by The Cromwell Press Ltd., Trowbridge, Wiltshire Contents Introduction 5 King Pawn Openings 1. The Sicilian with d2-d4 7 2. The Sicilian without d2-d4 26 3. 1 e4 e5: The Spanish and Others 36 4. The French Defence 50 65 5. The Caro-Kann Defence 6. 1 e4: Other Defences 7 5 Queen Pawn Openings 7. The King's Indian Defence 89 8. The Indian Defences 104 9. The Queen's Gambit Declined 129 10. 1 d4: Other Defences 145 Other Openings 11. The English Opening 166 Introduction After the Brain Games World Championship in London last year, Garry Kasp arov (who had just lost the match) said that his main fa il ing in this battle was that he 'did not have any good openings .' This might sound like a rather surprising statement fr om a man who had just completed a 15-year reign as world champion, still held - in rat ing terms - the number one spot, and who is regarded by most serious commentators as the gre atest player ever. However, the new world champion, Vladimir Kramnik, immediately replied that he thought this was a rather subj ective statement as, for most of the match, he had also fe lt that he didn't have any good openings either! Well, that's a fi ne state of affairs . The two best players in the world have several months to prepare for their match against each other. Not only do they have a gre at deal of ti me, but they are assisted in their researches by some of the world's leading grandmasters and also have substantial technical back-up in terms of che ss softw are , data bases and analytical engines. And, at the end of all that, they both volunteer the information that they fe lt they hadn't worked out any thing worthwhile for the opening stage of the game. Of course, there is undoubtedly an element of dissembling going on in these statements, but any player who has played at any sort of level can recognise the complaint of 'having no good openings'. Kasparov and Kramnik are extremely hard-working grandmasters with decades of chess understanding and experience between them. If they can get into a situation where they don't fe el that they are fi nding good moves early on in the game, what chance is there for the rest of us? How Impotant is the Opening? Beyond the level of complete beginner, the opening is perhaps the most important phase of the game to get right. If you choose to play systems that you don't understand or which don't suit your style , you will fi nd yourself starting each game with a handicap . Of course , we 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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