Metal Architecture Magazine - April 2011, Architektura, Albumy z dysku, Albumy, Kamil
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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] A p r i l 2 0 11 w w w . m e t a l a r c h i t e c t u r e . c o m Expanded & Perforated Metals An in-depth look at its uses, plus featured projects Plus: + AIA Preview + Daylighting & Retractable Roofs + IMPs Meet Building Eficiency Objectives At the Center of It All Lowers footprints. raises profiLes. The Shops at Highland Village, Highland Village, TX O’Brien & Associates Architects GNP, Inc. Roofi ng Company Hill & Wilkinson, LTD General Contractors PAC-CLAD Panels in Custom Literary Green and Weathered Zinc Multi-use complex. Multi-tiered roofs. Multi-functionality. Building for varied purposes, as in the case of this mixed-use lifestyle center, requires a resilient and adaptable product. PAC-CLAD metal roof panels, available in a variety of profi les including Petersen Snap-Clad, Snap-On and Flush Panels were used on the project as well as fl at stock. More architects than ever are using our Insulated Metal Panels. The result is an inspiring combination of strength, beauty and eficiency. Metl-Span IMPs feature a urethane foam core with high R-values encased by attractively inished, low-maintenance metal skins. A versatile system that enables you to both lower the carbon footprint of your project and raise your proile as a designer. To specify your own solution, call 877.585.9969 or visit metlspan.com/corevalues now. Register to win a Honda Hybrid CR-Z! 2011 AIA Expo, Booth 2817 With retail, restaurants and offi ces all sharing space, PAC-CLAD was the crowning achievement on the complex. It provided multiple options for roof, awnings and canopies, (many of which also feature misters and ceiling P i o n e e r i n g i n s u l a t e d M e t a l P a n e l t e c h n o l o g y fans) to achieve the ultimate in multi-functionality. WWW.PAC-CLAD.COM I IL: 1 800 PAC CLAD MD: 1 800 344 1400 I TX: 1 800 441 8661 GA: 1 800 272 4482 I MN:1 877 571 2025 NEW Cool Metal Roofi ng AIA/CES Course at www.PAC-CLAD.com! YOUR GREEN METAL RESOURCE Circle #1 on reader service card. METL-09-008-2 ©2010 Metl-Span LLC - A BlueScope Steel Company. All rights reserved. Circle #2 on reader service card . Editor’s Corner Spring into Action The snow has inally melted and spring is in the air. The days are longer, birds are chirp- ing, and people are emerging from hiding after the long and cold winter. As spring warms up, I know I will be getting out a lot more often and exploring all that living in a big city has to offer. I will also be doing some traveling to other cities, including New Orleans for the AIA 2011 National Convention and Design Exposition on May 12-14 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Drop me a note if you’re going to be there; I would love to meet up. Before heading to New Orleans, be sure to check out our preview starting on page 34. Learn more about this year’s convention, including recommended educational programs that will be of interest to the metal architecture community and highlights of things to discover and explore while in New Orleans. This month we focus on expanded and perforated metals. In “Choosing the Right Metal for your Design,” on page 20, Bob Farber, president of the Milwaukee-based Industrial Perforators Association looks at the differences between expanded metal, perforated metal and wire cloth. Additionally, Expanded Metal Manufacturers Association member Rick Bahner with Expanded Solutions LLC, Oklahoma City, discusses some of the many uses of expanded metals in “The Versatility of Expanded Metal” on page 22. Starting on page 24, we highlight several projects that feature expanded and perforated metals. New this month is Ted’s Corner, a monthly column designed to showcase speciic aspects of using Metal Composite Material panels, written by Ted Miller, president of The Miller-Clapper- ton Partnership Inc., Austell, Ga. Turn to page 16 to check it out, and see also the Market Report, featuring the a backlog report, as reported by the Associated Builders and Contractors. There are a lot of very exciting things going on at Metal Architecture. In June, we celebrate our 25th Anniversary, so be sure to keep an eye out for that very special edition. Additionally, the deadline for submissions for Metal Architecture’s 2011 Design Awards is May 6. Winners will be published in the July issue. Go to www.metalarchitecture.com/contests.aspx to download the contest entry form. We are always looking for ways to connect with our readers. Check out Metal Architecture’s new website at www.metalarchitecture.com to read our online exclusives, blogs and daily news items covering what’s going on in the industry. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/MArchitecture . Have a great spring and hope to see you at AIA! INTRODUCING ALUCOBOND ® COOL From the makers of the world’s leading ACM comes a new, cool paint fi nish technology offered in a broad spectrum of colors that provides higher solar refl ectivity, potential energy savings and reduced air conditioning costs. Marcy Marro Managing Editor With proven environmental advantages over non-cool fi nishes and products, cool technology already qualifi es for LEED credits in roofi ng applications, and similar certifi cations are expected for its use in vertical applications. For more information or to request samples, call your Alucobond representative or visit AlucobondUSA.com. Alucobond ® is a registered trademark of 3A Composites USA, Inc. ©3A Composites USA, Inc. 2011. All rights reserved. METAL ARCHITECTURE ( ISSN-0885-5781) is published monthly by Modern Trade Communications Inc., 7450 N. Skokie Blvd., Skokie, IL 60077. Subscriptions are free for those in the metal construction industry in the United States. For those outside the industry, the subscription price is $45 per year, in the United States; $75, in Canada and Mexico; and $150 per year, in all other countries. Periodicals class postage paid at Skokie, IL, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Address service requested. METAL ARCHITECTURE, 7450 N. Skokie Blvd., Skokie, IL 60077. 800.626.3365 AlucobondUSA.com Circle #3 on reader service card. www.met alar chi t ec t ure.com April 2011 METAL ARCHITECTURE 3 Simple Saver System ® The #1 specified high R-value insulation system for metal build ings Contents v o l u m e 2 7 n u m b e r 4 April 2011 32 features Cover Story: Perforated & Expanded Metals 20 Choosing the Right Metal for Your Design Discoverthedifferencesbetweenperforatedmetal,expandedmetalandwire cloth,andlearnhowtochoosetherightoneforyournextproject. 23 The Versatility of Expanded Metal Learnaboutsomeofthemanyapplicationsofexpandedmetal. 27 Featured Projects 32 Light Up Your Space Therearemanybeneitstousingretractableroofenclosuresinabuilding.Inadditionto maximizingnaturallight,theybringinfreshairandgreatviews. 34 Special Report: The AIA National Convention: Reinvented and Rebuilt 38 AsneakpeakattheAIA2011NationalConventionandDesignExpositiontakingplace May12-14attheErnestN.MorialConventionCenterinNewOrleans,including recommendededucationalprograms. 38 The Building Envelope—A Key to Energy Eficiency Bydeliveringmaximumthermalperformance,productsmadeforthebuildingenvelope,such Stoughton Lumber, Stoughton, WI asinsulatedmetalpanels,helpmeetbuildingeficiencyobjectivesandearnLEEDcredits. “The Simple Saver System helps us maintain a quiet, comfortable and pleasant experience for our customers and our employees.” — John Gerber, Owner, Stoughton Lumber departments 40 Increased Comfort Brightens Interiors Sound Absorption Helps Prevent Condensation Healthier Indoor Air Quality Hot Box Tested Superior Insulation Performance Finished Appearance OSHA Compliant Fall Protection Energy Code Compliant Reduced HVAC Cost 3 Editor’s Corner 8 Firm Strategies 10 LEEDing the Way 13 Industry News and Events A p r i l 2 0 11 w w w . m e t a l a r c h i t e c t u r e . c o m Expanded & Perforated Metals An in-depth look at its uses, plus featured projects 16 Ted’s MCM Corner 16 Market Report 56 18 Product Focus: Daylighting, Rainscreens, Moisture Barriers, Metal Tile and Shingles Plus: + AIA Preview + Daylighting & Retractable Roofs + IMPs Meet Building Eficiency Objectives 40 Market Feature: Retail & Mixed-Use 55 Ad Index For project specifications, Simple Saver Synergy Design sm optimization and qualification for the $1.80 sq. ft. designer’s tax deduction, call us at 800-255-0776. 56 Top Honors On the cover: Perforated metal panels at The National Center for Crisis and Continuity Coordination. Photo courtesy of the Industrial Perforators Association. The patented Simple Saver System® has solved the problems associated with traditional insulating methods by isolating the conductive steel and creating the required space for full designed insulation thickness. Now is the time to update your specifications to a proven product with verified results. Our concept is simple and layered with benefits that reduce initial construction costs and minimize ownership costs for the life of the building. thermaldesign.com www.met alar chi t ec t ure.com April 2011 METAL ARCHITECTURE 5 Circle #4 on reader service card. Copyright © 2011 Thermal Design, Inc. All Rights Reserved. v o l u m e 2 7 n u m b e r 4 April 2011 Online Contents Checkoutthe NEW www.MetalArchitecture.com andseewhat’shappeninginthemetalarchitecture communityontheindustry’spremieronlineresource Features Themostimportantstories,trendsandindustryissues arepresentedtoourreaderswithin-depthanalysisand thebestphotographyintheindustry. Top Stories OurTopStoriessectionoffersthebestfeaturestoriesfrom themagazine,aswellasonline-exclusivecontentnoother outletcanprovide. Industry News Everyday,oureditorialteamscourstherelevant informationoutletstobringyouthemostup-to-date industrynewsyouneedtoknow. Video Ourvideosectionshowcasesproductdemos,interviews, tradeshowvideosandnewscast-stylevideoblogs highlightingthemostimportantnews,featuresand issue-driveninformation. Blogs Oureditorialteamprovidesexclusivenewsanalysis, decipheringimportantissuestooffertheirtakeonhow recenteventswillaffecttheindustry. 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