Magnetic and X ray diffraction measurements for the determination of retained austenite in TRIP s, Polibuda, Magisterka, Stale typu TRIP, Obróbka cieplna
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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Materials Science and Engineering A313 (2001) 145 – 152 www.elsevier.com/locate/msea Magnetic and X-ray diffraction measurements for the determination of retained austenite in TRIP steels L. Zhao a,b, *, N.H. van Dijk c , E. Br¨ck d , J. Sietsma b , S. van der Zwaag a,b a Netherlands Institute for Metals Research , P . O . Box 5008, Rotterdamseweg 137, GA Delft , The Netherlands b Laboratory for Materials Science , Delft Uni ersity of Technology , Rotterdamseweg 137, 2628 AL Delft , The Netherlands c Interfaculty Reactor Institute , Delft Uni ersity of Technology , Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft , The Netherlands d Van der Waals — Zeeman Institute , Uni ersity of Amsterdam , Valckenierstraat 65, 1018 XE , Amsterdam , The Netherlands Received 6 June 2000; received in revised form 20 December 2000 Abstract The accurate determination of the volume fraction of retained austenite is of great importance for the optimization of transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) steels. In this work, two aluminium-containing TRIP steels are studied by means of magnetization and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. By fitting the field dependence of the approach to saturation in the magnetization curves, the saturation magnetization is determined, which is linearly related to the volume fraction of retained austenite. Moreover, information with respect to the microstructure can be obtained from the fitting parameters and the demagnetizing factor for the magnetization curve. The volume fractions obtained from the magnetization measurements are compared with data from XRD measurements. A discussion of the data suggests that magnetization measurements lead to more reliable results and a more sensitive detection of the retained austenite than XRD measurements. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords : TRIP steels; Retained austenite; Magnetization; Microstructure 1. Introduction austempering is the result of the suppression of the formation of carbides during the bainitic transforma- tion, due to the presence of the alloying elements such as aluminium and silicon. The enrichment of carbon in the austenite increases its thermal stability and conse- quently, the austenite can be retained upon cooling to room temperature [1 – 5]. A quantitative determination of the volume fraction of the existing phases, especially the retained austenite, is essential for the evaluation of the TRIP steel proper- ties. Experimental methods that have been reported in the literature include X-ray diffraction (XRD) [1 – 6], neutron diffraction [7], optical microscopy combined with image analysis [8], scanning electron microscopy (SEM) [9], M¨ ssbauer spectroscopy [9,10], dilatometry [11], and magnetization measurements [12,13]. A sum- mary of the characteristics of these techniques is pre- sented in Table 1. Among them, the XRD method is the most frequently used as it is a suitable technique and XRD facilities are widely available. Other tech- niques are usually applied in order to overcome the The development of steels during the last decade have shown that transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) steels constitute a new category of sheet or strip steels, in terms of their high strength and enhanced formability. These excellent mechanical properties mainly arise from a martensitic transformation of metastable retained austenite, induced by external stress. The TRIP steels possess a multi-phase mi- crostructure, consisting typically of ferrite, bainite and retained austenite. The microstructure is formed after intercritical annealing and a subsequent isothermal an- nealing in the bainitic transformation region, called austempering. The carbon content in austenite is en- hanced both during the intercritical annealing and dur- ing the austempering. The carbon enrichment during * Corresponding author. Tel.: +31-15-2782268; fax: +31-15- 2786730. E - mail address : l.zhao@tnw.tudelft.nl (L. Zhao). 0921-5093/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0921-5093(01)00965-0 146 L . Zhao et al . / Materials Science and Engineering A 313 (2001) 145–152 shortcomings of the XRD method. However, these methods have their own limitations with respect to the determination of the volume fraction of retained austen- ite in the TRIP steels with a multi-phase microstructure. For instance, the M¨ ssbauer spectroscopy measure- ments require a very thin foil (20 – 50 from the approach to saturation and the demagnetizing factor of the magnetization curve. The reliability and accuracy of the measurements will be discussed, and compared with the results obtained from the XRD method. m), which leads to a different internal stress condition, in comparison to bulk samples. This may influence the results, since the retained austenite is very stress-sensitive. Dilatometry measurements make it possible to detect the fraction of transformed phase in-situ from the length change, but the measurement accuracy is not high since the knowl- edge of lattice parameters is limited and transformation plasticity may also affect the net dilatation. Magnetiza- tion measurements have intrinsic advantages as they are accurate and probe the bulk of the materials. The present work aims to determine the volume fraction of retained austenite in TRIP steels by means of magnetization measurements. Furthermore, informa- tion with respect to the microstructure can be obtained 2. Background Magnetic methods, such as magnetization measure- ments and thermo-magnetic analysis, are often used in metallurgical studies [13]. In magnetization measure- ments, the saturation magnetization can be obtained from the magnetization curve. The difference in satura- tion magnetization of specimens with and without austenite is directly related to the volume fraction of non-ferromagnetic retained austenite. This is due to the fact that ferrite, as well as martensite and cementite, is ferromagnetic at temperatures below the Curie tempera- ture (for pure ferrite T C =770°C and for cementite T C =210°C), while the austenite is paramagnetic [14]. The magnetization measurements give a relation be- tween measured magnetization ( M ) and applied mag- netic field ( H ), as schematically shown in Fig. 1. One can distinguish three different parts of the curve. In the first part, indicated by the line ‘ab’, the relation between M and H is almost linear. In this field region, the magnetic field inside the sample is reduced by the stray fields of the magnetized sample. The inverse of the initial slope is the so-called demagnetizing factor, which depends on the shape of the sample, on the volume fraction of the existing phases, as well as on their microstructure. In the case of a microstructure consist- ing of a continuous ferromagnetic matrix, in which inclusions of phases with different magnetic properties are embedded, the effective demagnetizing factor, N eff ,is estimated by [15,16], Table 1 A comparison of the characteristics of different techniques for an analysis of the volume fraction of retained austenite Observed Probed volume Accuracy quantity X-ray Diffraction Surface layer Normal diffraction peaks Neutron Diffraction Bulk Normal diffraction peaks Metallography/ SEM Color-etched Surface layer Low grain M¨ ssbauer Transmission Thin foil High Magnetization spectra Saturation Bulk High Dilatometry magnetization Length change Bulk Low N eff =(1− f ) N m + fN p (1) Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the magnetization curve. where f is the volume fraction of the inclusions, for example, the retained austenite or the cementite. The so-called macroscopic demagnetizing factor, N m , de- pends on the sample shape, and decreases with increas- ing the dimensional ratio ( r ) between the length and the width of the sample when the field is applied along the length of the sample. The microscopic demagnetizing factor, N p , represents the shape anisotropy of the inclu- sions and their orientation distribution [13]. For in- stance, N p =0 if needle-like or plate-like inclusions are oriented with the long axis parallel to the magnetization direction. When the inclusions are randomly oriented, an average value of N p =1/3 is expected, independent of the shape. A deviation from N p =1/3 is, therefore, a sign of texture inside the sample, but not vice versa, because N p =1/3 when the shape of the inclusions is spherical. L . Zhao et al . / Materials Science and Engineering A 313 (2001) 145–152 147 Table 2 Chemical composition (wt.%) of the TRIP steels Al1.8 and Al1.4P a Code C Mn Al Si P N Ac 1 Ac 3 Al1.8 0.20 1.53 1.8 0.02 0.005 0.004 761 1037 Al1.4P 0.18 1.52 1.4 0.02 0.081 0.0055 747 1017 a The starting and finishing temperatures of the ferrite to austentie transformation, Ac 1 and Ac 3 (°C), have been determined by dilatometry experiments [21]. The second part of the curve, indicated by ‘bc’ in Fig. 1, is the transition region characterized by domain wall movements and the reorientation of spins following the domain wall movement. The characteristics of the tran- sition thus depend on the existing preferred orientation (texture). The approach to saturation, shown as the line ‘cd’ in Fig. 1, is used for the determination of the volume fraction of retained austenite. In this region, a rather large increase in H is required to produce a relatively small increase in M . This behavior is associ- ated with microstructural effects, and depends on rota- tions and reorientation of spins. The approach to saturation is usually described by [13,17] 3. Experimental 1− H − H 2 The two aluminium containing TRIP steels examined in this investigation were produced via hot rolling and air cooling, and had an as-received thickness of 6 mm. The composition of the materials is shown in Table 2. The materials were machined to cylinders with a diame- ter of 5 mm and a length of 10 mm for heat treatments under vacuum in an 805a type B¨ hr dilatometer. In order to design the appropriate thermal schedules, the transformation temperature (Ac 1 and Ac 3 ) were deter- mined by dilatometry. The results are listed in Table 2. The samples were pre-annealed for 10 min at 900°C, which is in the two-phase region, and then quenched at 25°Cs −1 to 400°C, held at this temperature for 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 and 10.0 min, respectively, and subsequently cooled at approximately 2°Cs −1 M = M s (2) where M s is the saturation magnetization. The parame- ters a (in A m −1 )and b (in A 2 m −2 ) are positive constants, which can be ascribed to different physical origins. Parameter a arises from nano-scale microstruc- tural effects such as inclusions, voids, point defect and/or microstresses, and parameter b from the crystal anisotropy. The volume fraction of retained austenite, f , can be determined by a comparison of the M s values in the austenite-containing sample, M s ( c ), and in the austen- ite-free sample M s ( f ), f = M a − M s ( c ) M a to room =1− M s ( c ) M s ( f ) (3) temperature. The magnetization measurements were performed in a Quantum Design SQUID magnetometer (MPMS-5S). In SQUID magnetization measurements, an applied magnetic field is used to induce a magnetization in the sample. The sample magnetization produces stray fields, which are subsequently probed up to a very high accuracy by a superconducting SQUID device. The equipment is calibrated periodically with standard nickel and palladium spheres (with a sensitivity of 1×10 −11 A·m 2 ). During the measurement of the cylin- drical sample, the magnetic field was applied to a maximum value of 5 T ( H =3.98×10 6 Am −1 )and then decreased stepwise to zero field, i.e. from 5 to 0.25 T in steps of 0.25 T, from 0.25 to0Tinsteps of 0.05 T. The measurements were performed in decreasing field in order to create a well-defined field history for the magnetization. The measuring temperature was reg- ulated at 26.85 = M s ( f )/ M a is the ratio between the satura- tion magnetization of the austenite-free sample and that of ferrite ( M a ). The austenite-free sample contains be- sides ferrite also a small volume fraction of cementite, which can be estimated from the composition of the materials using the lever-rule. The coefficient thus can be obtained from the published data of the saturation magnetization of the ferrite ( M a =1.714×10 6 Am −1 [13] for pure iron) and cementite ( M s =0.99×10 6 0.05°C. The relative error of the mea- sured data is smaller than 0.5%. As-received material was considered to be austenite-free, which was confi- rmed by XRD measurements. In order to fit the ap- proach to the saturation of the measured magnetization data and the physically significant parameters described in Eq. (2), a linear least-squares fitting of the ‘cd’ line in Fig. 1 is applied, and the fitting error is obtained from the standard definition [20]. After the magnetization measurements, disks with a diameter of 5 mm were cut along the transverse direc- A =1− f + f [ M s / M a ]. In the derivation of Eq. (3), it is assumed that the amount of cementite precipitates is negligible after austempering of the TRIP steels, since the addition of alloying elements such as aluminium significantly sup- presses the formation of cementite during the bainitic transformation [1 – 5]. [18,19]) via the relation where m −1 148 L . Zhao et al . / Materials Science and Engineering A 313 (2001) 145–152 tion of the cylinder samples and polished for the XRD measurements. Very low force was applied during cut- ting and mechanical polishing in order to avoid stress- induced transformation of the retained austentie. The XRD measurements were performed on a Siemens’ X-ray diffractometer using CoK 0.2×10 6 Am −1 and the fits to Eq. (2) are shown in Fig. 2. From the fits, the saturation magnetization M s was obtained with a rela- tive error less than 0.2%. It was found that the M s values in the as-received steels (1.533×10 6 Am −1 for the Al1.8 sample and 1.475×10 6 Am −1 for the Al1.4P sample) were about 11 and 14% smaller than the M s of pure iron, which is 1.714×10 6 Am −1 [13]. This is due to the presence of cementite with a lower M s , (leading to a decrease of around 1%) and the addition of alloying elements including carbon, manganese, alu- minium, phosphorous and silicon in the TRIP steels, as well as the sample size effect. Taking the dependence of M s on composition as reported in literature [18,22] and assuming no partitioning of the alloying elements, a decrease of M s of 7.2 and 6.2% is calculated for both steel grades. Nevertheless, since M s for the Al1.8 sam- ple is larger than the one for the Al1.4P sample, the decrease in M s is not simply proportional to the amount of aluminium, which is the main difference in composition for these two steels. The effect of the third factor leading to a decrease of the experimental value of M s , viz. the relatively large sample size, was investi- gated by measurements on cylindrical samples of 1 mm in diameter and 2 mm in length. It was found that the M s values in the small samples were approximately 3% larger than those obtained from the large samples. However, the sum of these three effects (11% for the Al1.8 and 10% for the Al1.4P sample) is still lower than the measured decrease of the M s value for the Al1.4P sample. This may be due to non-linear effects as the alloys contain a combination of different elements. The volume fraction of the retained austenite is cal- culated from the saturation magnetization, M s , using Eq. (3). The coefficient radiation. A more detailed description of experimental conditions and re- sults of the XRD measurements has been published elsewhere [21]. 4. Results 4.1. Volume fraction of retained austenite The magnetization as a function of the applied mag- netic field was measured for both compositions and all Fig. 2. Measured magnetization as a function of the applied magnetic field for Al1.8 samples. The open circles represent the as-received (AR) sample, the solid diamonds the sample without austempering (0 min), and open squares the sample with austempering at 400°C for 3 min. the lines correspond to fits with Eq. (2). = M s ( c )/ M a is estimated to be 0.987 for the Al1.8 sample and 0.989 for the Al1.4P sample, based on the chemical composition of the materials in Table 2 and the published M s values for ferrite and cementite. It is interesting to note that the value of is insensitive to variations in M a caused by alloying elements as they affect M s ( f ) in a similar way for small concentrations. This is also true for the evalu- ation of the fraction of retained austenite determined by Eq. (3) as the alloying concentrations are equal in the TRIP samples and the austenite-free sample. Fig. 3 shows the calculated fraction as a function of the austempering time in the Al1.8 and Al1.4P samples. One can see that the fitting errors are nearly negligible, since the standard deviation (S.D.) is 0.002, indicating that the measured data are accurate with respect to the determination of the volume fraction of retained austenite, even though some deviations in the magne- tization curve are observed. It is noteworthy that simi- lar results, but with lower accuracy, are obtained when the magnetization at the maximum applied magnetic field is used instead of M s in Eq. (3). Fig. 3. The volume fraction of retained austenite f as a function of austempering time. The experimental error is smaller than the symbol size. austempering times applied. Three representative mag- netization curves at H L . Zhao et al . / Materials Science and Engineering A 313 (2001) 145–152 149 ues. One can also see that a higher aluminium concentra- tion leads to a higher fraction of retained austenite. A higher aluminium concentration also increases the hold- ing time required to obtain the maximum. These two trends may be related to each other, and are attributed to the increased suppression of carbide formation with increasing aluminium concentration. 4.2. Relation between the M – H cur e and the microstructure Fig. 4. Parameters a and b as a function of the austempering time at 400°C for the Al1.8 samples. ‘AR’ stands for the as-received sample. In addition to providing the M s value, the magnetiza- tion measurements can also reveal information on the microstructure. From the fitting procedure, one obtains the microstructure related parameters, a and b ,asde- scribed in Eq. (2). Fig. 4 shows the variation of these parameters during austempering and the errors resulting from the fitting procedure for the Al1.8 samples. Although the strong mathematical correlation be- tween the two parameters affects the values obtained, it may be concluded that the absolute values of b / H 2 are always smaller than those for a / H in the relevant range for H . This indicates that domain rotation is more influenced by nano-scale microstructural aspects, such as voids, inclusions, point defects and microstresses, than by the crystal anisotropy. The difference between a / H and b / H 2 is smaller in the as-received than in the as-quenched samples. This might be due to the decrease in microstress and the fraction of inclusions as a result of intercritical annealing. The difference between a / H and b / H 2 increases during the bainitic transformation before the maximum volume fraction, showing the in- crease of microstress, and possibly the inclusions, result- ing from the phase transformation. In the low magnetic field range of the magnetization, indicated by the ‘ab’ line in Fig. 1, the observed magne- tization can be related to the presence of demagnetiza- tion fields. The effective demagnetizing factor, N eff ,is deduced from the inverse slope of the M – H curve in low magnetic fields, as a function of the volume fraction of retained austenite, and the results are shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen, all demagnetizing factors range between 0.140 and 0.155. In the present cylindrical samples with a height of 10 mm, a diameter of 5 mm and a high permeability (10 2 Fig. 5. The effective demagnetizing factor N eff as a function of volume fraction of retained austenite f The dependence of the volume fraction on the austem- pering time reveals valuable information regarding the transformation behavior in the two steels. About 5.6 and 2.5% of austenite are retained in the as-quenched (austempering time zero) Al1.8 and Al1.4P samples, respectively. In the first stage of austempering, the volume fraction retained austenite increases with in- creasing austempering time, and reaches a maximum value. This indicates that more austenite is retained as a result of its increased stability due to the increased carbon concentration. The carbon enrichment arises from the suppression of carbide formation during the bainitic transformation. For the annealing time leading to the maximum in retained austenite, the carbon enrich- ment moves the martensite starting temperature of the austenite to a temperature below room temperature. For longer annealing times, the fraction decreases, gradually for the Al1.8 samples and more rapidly for the Al1.4P samples. The martensite starting temperature is still below room temperature, but the fraction of retained austenite decreases as the bainitic transformation contin- o [13]), a geometrical demagne- tizing factor, N m , of 0.14 [13,18] is expected for a sample, which is homogeneously magnetized along the cylindri- cal axis. Further analysis of published data [13] reveals that the derivative of the geometrical demagnetizing factor with respect to the dimensional ratio r is d N m / d r =−0.075 in the vicinity of r =2. This indicates that the shape differences in the samples due to the limited accuracy of machining or due to the phase transforma- tions during the heat treatment procedure [23] have a negligible effect on N m with respect to the measured demagnetizing factor. 10 3 in Al1.8 and Al1.4P samples. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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