Megalith Masonry Myth & Measure v1 Deluge - From Genesis to Atlantis by Harry Sivertsen & Stephen Redman - upd edn (2012), Święta geometria
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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] From Genesis to Atlantis Harry Sivertsen and Stephen Redman 1 First published 2009 in Great Britain by Completely Novel Ltd © 2009 Harry Sivertsen and Stephen Redman The moral rights of Harry Sivertsen and Stephen Redman to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder. ISBN 978-1-84914-014-0 Completely Novel Ltd. 49a King Henry’s Walk London N1 4NH www.completelynovel.com 2 From Genesis to Atlantis updated edition 2012 Harry Sivertsen and Stephen Redman 3 For Gillie. Without whom it would not have happened. Thanks to Steve’s sister Ann for comments on early drafts of both works. Thanks also for encouragement and constructive comments to:- Derek Skhane, Paul Martyn-Smith, Christopher John, Rick Keown Richard Dullum, Garry Osbourne and others associated with the ‘flow gang’. For the position of website Author of the Month for May 2010 we are very grateful to Graham Hancock 4 Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure. Volume I. Deluge: From Genesis to Atlantis . Preface 'Without words, without writing and without books there would be no history, there could be no concept of humanity .' Oliver Goldsmith [author] Mythology tells you and history doesn’t and that raises some very interesting questions because the implication is that you could suppress the written word but you couldn't suppress the oral tradition. Mike Baillie [Professor of palaeoecology] This book is Volume I of a two part investigation by Harry Sivertsen ably assisted by his wife Gill who has been a constant and utterly reliable support since the investigation began and has contributed much more than she realises. Invaluable assistance in the writing and presentation of Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure has been provided by Steve Redman who additionally added some essential historical background and technical info regarding astronomy. The work delves into hidden elements of history under the generic title seen above, Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure . The word ‘hidden’ is chosen here because while it is not literally correct, it does indicate that the subjects covered are what are generally termed ‘esoteric’. In these works it becomes clear that much of that which is thought of as esoteric or veiled, in reality is not hidden or coded as it is usually portrayed but in fact is information that has been misunderstood due to a lack of knowledge of the methodologies of the scholars of past ages. Again, the word ‘scholars’ is utilised where conventionally another word may be chosen but why term learned people of the modern era ‘scholars’ and apply a different terminology to the recorders of, for example, astronomical observations of thousands of years ago? All are learned people and given the available knowledge of the past these ‘seers and sages’ were equally as intelligent as the studious thinkers of today. In some respects perhaps more so as it was the foundations of astronomy and mathematics that were laid down in the eastern areas in ancient times, when Britain had yet to erect a standing stone, that became the pillars of later learning. Much of the information along with various techniques that were developed in other regions eventually found its way into Britain along with further elements of cultures from far away. This is evident from the calendars and measures of Stonehenge, usually denied by the 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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