Meskin - Phytochemicals - Mechanisms of Action (Taylor, MEDYCYNA, Biochemistry
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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] PHYTOCHEMICALS MECHANISMS OF ACTION Edited by Mark S. Meskin Wayne R. Bidlack Audra J. Davies Douglas S. Lewis R. Keith Randolph CRC PRESS Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C. This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2005. “To purchase your own copy of this or any of Taylor & Francis or Routledge’s collection of thousands of eBooks please go to www.eBookstore.tandf.co.uk.” /LEUDU\RI&RQJUHVV&DWDORJLQJLQ3XEOLFDWLRQ'DWD 3K\WRFKHPLFDOVPHFKDQLVPVRIDFWLRQHGLWHGE\0DUN60HVNLQ«>HW DO@ SFP ,QFOXGHVELEOLRJUDSKLFDOUHIHUHQFHVDQGLQGH[ ,6%1 3K\WRFKHPLFDOV3K\WRFKHPLFDOV3K\VLRORJLFDOHIIHFW, 0HVNLQ0DUN6,,7LWOH 4393 vGF 7KLVERRNFRQWDLQVLQIRUPDWLRQREWDLQHGIURPDXWKHQWLFDQGKLJKO\UHJDUGHGVRXUFHV5HSULQWHGPDWHULDO LVTXRWHGZLWKSHUPLVVLRQDQGVRXUFHVDUHLQGLFDWHG$ZLGHYDULHW\RIUHIHUHQFHVDUHOLVWHG5HDVRQDEOH HIIRUWVKDYHEHHQPDGHWRSXEOLVKUHOLDEOHGDWDDQGLQIRUPDWLRQEXWWKHDXWKRUVDQGWKHSXEOLVKHUFDQQRW DVVXPHUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUWKHYDOLGLW\RIDOOPDWHULDOVRUIRUWKHFRQVHTXHQFHVRIWKHLUXVH 1HLWKHUWKLVERRNQRUDQ\SDUWPD\EHUHSURGXFHGRUWUDQVPLWWHGLQDQ\IRUPRUE\DQ\PHDQVHOHFWURQLF RUPHFKDQLFDOLQFOXGLQJSKRWRFRS\LQJPLFURÀOPLQJDQGUHFRUGLQJRUE\DQ\LQIRUPDWLRQVWRUDJHRU UHWULHYDOV\VWHPZLWKRXWSULRUSHUPLVVLRQLQZULWLQJIURPWKHSXEOLVKHU $OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG$XWKRUL]DWLRQWRSKRWRFRS\LWHPVIRULQWHUQDORUSHUVRQDOXVHRUWKHSHUVRQDORU LQWHUQDOXVHRIVSHFLÀFFOLHQWVPD\EHJUDQWHGE\&5&3UHVV//&SURYLGHGWKDWSHUSDJH SKRWRFRSLHGLVSDLGGLUHFWO\WR&RS\ULJKW&OHDUDQFH&HQWHU5RVHZRRG'ULYH'DQYHUV0$ 86$7KHIHHFRGHIRUXVHUVRIWKH7UDQVDFWLRQDO5HSRUWLQJ6HUYLFHLV,6%1 7KHIHHLVVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH)RURUJDQL]DWLRQVWKDWKDYHEHHQJUDQWHG DSKRWRFRS\OLFHQVHE\WKH&&&DVHSDUDWHV\VWHPRISD\PHQWKDVEHHQDUUDQJHG 7KHFRQVHQWRI&5&3UHVV//&GRHVQRWH[WHQGWRFRS\LQJIRUJHQHUDOGLVWULEXWLRQIRUSURPRWLRQIRU FUHDWLQJQHZZRUNVRUIRUUHVDOH6SHFLÀFSHUPLVVLRQPXVWEHREWDLQHGLQZULWLQJIURP&5&3UHVV//& IRUVXFKFRS\LQJ 'LUHFWDOOLQTXLULHVWR&5&3UHVV//&1:&RUSRUDWH%OYG%RFD5DWRQ)ORULGD 7UDGHPDUN1RWLFH 3URGXFWRUFRUSRUDWHQDPHVPD\EHWUDGHPDUNVRUUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVDQGDUH XVHGRQO\IRULGHQWLÀFDWLRQDQGH[SODQDWLRQZLWKRXWLQWHQWWRLQIULQJH 9LVLWWKH&5&3UHVV:HEVLWHDWZZZFUFSUHVVFRP E\&5&3UHVV//& 1RFODLPWRRULJLQDO86*RYHUQPHQWZRUNV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO6WDQGDUG%RRN1XPEHU /LEUDU\RI&RQJUHVV&DUG1XPEHU ISBN 0-203-50633-2 Master e-book ISBN ISBN 0-203-58762-6 (Adobe eReader Format) CHAPTER 1 Absorption and Metabolism of Anthocyanins: Potential Health Effects Ronald L. Prior CONTENTS Abstract ..................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2 Anthocyanins in Foods ............................................................................................. 3 Antioxidant and Other Biological Effects of Anthocyanins In Vitro ...................... 5 Anthocyanins and a-Glucosidase Activity ..................................................... 7 Anthocyanin Absorption/Metabolism ...................................................................... 7 Gut Metabolism of Anthocyanins ................................................................... 9 In Vivo Antioxidant and Other Effects of Anthocyanins — Animal Studies .......... 9 Antioxidant Effects ......................................................................................... 9 Vasoprotective Effects ................................................................................... 13 In Vivo Antioxidant and Other Side Effects of Anthocyanins — Human Clinical Studies .................................................................................................................... 13 Antioxidant Effects ....................................................................................... 13 Vascular Permeability ................................................................................... 15 Effects on Vision ........................................................................................... 15 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 16 References .............................................................................................................. 16 ABSTRACT This manuscript reviews literature on anthocyanins in foods and their metabolism and absorption and possible relationships to human health. Of the various classes of flavonoids, the potential dietary intake of anthocyanins is perhaps the greatest 0-8493-1672-3/04/$0.00+$1.50 © 2004 by CRC Press LLC 1 2 PHYTOCHEMICALS: MECHANISMS OF ACTION (100+ mg/day). The content in fruits varies considerably between 0.25 to 700 mg/100 g fresh weight. Not only does the concentration vary, the individual specific antho- cyanins present also are quite different in various fruits. Anthocyanins are absorbed intact without cleavage of the sugar to form the aglycone. The proportion of the dose that appears in the urine is quite small (<0.1%). Plasma levels of anthocyanins are in the range of 1–120 nM following a meal high in anthocyanins, but fasting plasma levels are generally nondetectable. Information is limited as to possible metabolites of anthocyanins in the human. A number of antioxidant-related responses are reviewed in animal models as well as in the human. Anthocyanins can provide protection against various forms of oxidative stress in animal models, however, most of the health-related responses have been observed at relatively high intakes of anthocya- nins (2-400 mg/kg BW). INTRODUCTION Anthocyanins (Figure 1.1) are water soluble plant secondary metabolites responsible for the blue, purple, and red color of many plant tissues. They occur primarily as glycosides of their respective anthocyanidin-chromophores. The common anthocy- anidin aglycones are cyanidin (cy), delphinidin (dp), petunidin (pt), peonidin (pn), pelargonidin (pg), and malvidin (mv). The differences in chemical structure of these six common anthocyanidins occur at the 3¢ and 5¢ positions (Figure 1.1). The aglycones are rarely found in fresh plant material. There are several hundred known anthocyanins. They vary in 1) the number and position of hydroxyl and methoxyl groups on the basic anthocyanidin skeleton; 2) the identity, number and positions at which sugars are attached; and 3) the extent of sugar acylation and the identity of the acylating agent. Common acylating agents are the cinnamic acids (caffeic, r- coumaric, ferulic, and sinapic). Acylated anthocyanins occur in some of the less common foodstuffs such as red cabbage, red lettuce, garlic, red-skinned potato, and purple sweet potato. 1 3' R 1 4' OH + O B HO 5' 7 A R 2 5 3 OH OH R 1 R 2 Pelargonidin H H Cyanidin OH H Delphinidin OH OH Peonidin OCH 3 H Petunidin OCH 3 OH Malvidin OCH 3 OCH 3 Figure 1.1 Common anthocyanin structures. Sugar moieties are generally on position 3 of the C-ring. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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