Megalith Masonry Myth & Measure v2 Measurements of the Gods by Harry Sivertsen & Stephen Redman = upd edn (2012), Święta geometria
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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure. Volume II: - Measurements of the Gods First published 2009 in Great Britain by Completely Novel Ltd © 2009 Harry Sivertsen and Stephen Redman The moral rights of Harry Sivertsen and Stephen Redman to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder. ISBN 978-1-84914-015-7 Completely Novel Ltd. 49a King Henry’s Walk London N1 4NH 1 Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure. Volume II: - Measurements of the Gods MEASUREMENTS OF THE GODS Updated edition 2012 HARRY SIVERTSEN and STEPHEN REDMAN 2 Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure. Volume II: - Measurements of the Gods 3 Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure. Volume II: - Measurements of the Gods For Gillie Companion and support every step of the way. Thanks to Steve’s sister Ann for comments on early drafts of both works. Thanks also for encouragement and constructive comments to:- Derek Skhane, Paul Martyn-Smith, Christopher John, Rick Keown Richard Dullum, Garry Osbourne and others associated with the ‘flow gang’. For the position of website Author of the Month for May 2010 we are very grateful to Graham Hancock 4 Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure. Volume II: - Measurements of the Gods Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure. Volume II. Measurements of the Gods Preface In every disputation, we must look more to the weight of reason than to the weight of authorities . Cicero It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense. This book is Volume II of a two part investigation by Harry Sivertsen who has been ably assisted by his wife Gill, a constant and utterly reliable support since the investigation began and who has contributed much more than she realises. Invaluable assistance in the writing and presentation of Megalith, Masonry, Myth and Measure has been provided by Steve Redman who added some essential historical background and technical info regarding astronomy. Measurements of the Gods with its 19 chapters and over 200 illustrations could have been shortened a little as some material from Volume I, Deluge has been included for clarification purposes but then, we could say the same for Deluge , it has some borrowings from this book. If either work were to be shortened and were read without at least some explanatory inclusions from its companion book much would not be understood. While Deluge primarily deals with the myth of the flood story, Measurements of the Gods reveals the units of measure that applied to that and other Biblical myths…their uses in more recent times and their history. However, as with the flood studies we move far beyond Biblical regions and times to ancient India…and even beyond India…Here we reveal the ultimate source of Greek and indeed our own metrological knowledge… While measurement may sound a rather mundane subject for an historical study, this is not the case…at least not in as far as this work is concerned because here we reveal much that has never been seen before in any work prior to this study. In a similar vein to Deluge we reveal commonalities that most would not have thought existed. We show connections between Biblical myth and standing stones in Britain, links that extend to Egypt and mediaeval cathedrals…only revealed via the use of the same astronomy and / or units of measure and frequently the same counts of those measures. The unit counts, in fact, often tell a story, a tale 5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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